Fibonacci – A Simplicity spin-off pattern part 2

Fibonacci - Rainbow

All right, here we go! The fifth Simplicity quilt block Fibonacci deserves its own pattern, because I just love it. As concluded in part 1 of this spin-off thingy, of course the pattern foundation can be used for any quilt based on 12.5-inch blocks.

Fibonacci in Rainbow

I’ll start with the Rainbow colourway first, as the quilt is larger and hence more complicated. You will need nine Fibonacci blocks made with my tutorial, which is part of the Simplicity quilt. Cut the following pieces:

  • Sashing: six (6) pieces 3.5” x 12.5”, and two (2) pieces 42.5” x 3.5”
  • Border: two (2) pieces 5.25” x 42.5” (for left and right sides), and two (2) pieces 52” x 5.25” (for top and bottom)

The assembly diagramme looks like this:

Fibonacci - Rainbow - Assembly

Start by piecing with a quarter-inch seam allowance each of the three rows of blocks with sashing in between, and press seams open. Add the two horizontal sashing pieces in between rows, and press seams open. Add the left and right border pieces, and add top and bottom border pieces to finish the quilt top.

The theoretic size of this quilt top is 52” x 52”, which means you will need 208” binding to cover the perimeter of it. Assuming the fabric you’ll use is 40” wide (width of fabric, WOF), the following calculation will give you the amount of 2.5-inch WOF strips to cut: 208” / 40” = 5.2. You can’t cut 5.2 strips of fabric, so we round it up to 6. To figure out how much fabric you need for the binding: 2.5”/strip x 6 strips = 15”.

The batting and backing fabric need to be a tad larger than the quilt top, around 2” larger on each side, if not more; 56” x 56” in other words. Baste, quilt, square up the quilt, and bind either by machine or hand depending on what you prefer.

Fibonacci in Sombre

Fibonacci - Sombre

This smaller quilt needs the following to finish the quilt top:

  • 4 Fibonacci blocks
  • Sashing: two (2) pieces 1.5” x 12”, and one (1) piece 25.5” x 1.5”
  • Border: two (2) pieces 3.25” x 25.5” (for left and right sides), and two (2) pieces 31” x 3.25” (for top and bottom).

And the assembly diagramme:

Fibonacci - Sombre 31x31 - Assembly

For binding calculcations, the perimeter of the quilt top is 31” x 4= 124”. To figure out amount of strips needed: 124” / 40” = 3.1”, which we bump up to 4. To figure out how much fabric we need: 2.5”/strip x 4 strips = 10”. Next, follow the advice posted for Fibonacci in Rainbow.

Questions, comments? Please share and I’ll do my best to help you.

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